+49 30 440 40 744 sales@itour.de

Industrial Tourism

Factory Tours

Behind the Scenes


Guided tours through production buildings increase the image of a company and are an essential part of marketing and customer relations.

Audio-visual tour systems offer significant benefits in this respect, as it is only rarely possible to interrupt production for a tour, for example to reduce the noise level.
A technical headphone tour solves this problem. While the production process is being explained to you, the display of your tour guide also gives you a multimedia illustration of processes and production cycles.

In addition to German-language tours, in a globalised world you are often faced with the challenge of organising and offering foreign-language tours for foreign guests, customers and interested people. Whether a Swedish tour group, interested engineers or an English-speaking delegation comes to you, with our audio-visual tours, all visitors can easily hear, see and enjoy the same tour at the same time in their respective national language.