Outdoor Referrals
APP Plattform
APP Platform of the German Federal Foundation for Environment
The goal of this app is to inspire people for nature and to draw attention to the richness of native animal and plant species! Together with the DBU, the Guiding Group has developed audio guides that inform visitors about the living space and habits of flora and fauna on expeditions through the natural heritage sites in an entertaining way.
The itour city guide GmbH (Member of GUIDING GROUP) was awarded the “UN Decade for Biological Diversity” for this, along with all other contributors.
Audioguides DBU Rügen
APP Platform of the German Federal Foundation for Environment
In 2013, the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt Natur (DBU) in cooperation with the National Network Nature invited tenders for the creation of an app platform for its natural heritage sites. The idea of this joint app for all 53 members of the National Network Nature is to provide visitors to the natural heritage sites with a single platform for the whole of Germany.
Texts, photos, audio clips and videos on GPS-positioned objects, nature areas or hiking routes
Audioguide as radio play guide
At the Prora natural heritage site, for example, a friendly forest ranger takes a visitor on a tour of the flintstone fields. Listening to the animated conversation between the two, the app user learns in an entertaining way about the formation of the flintstone fields, their inhabitants such as the red-backed shrike or the smooth snake and much more. The audio guide medium is fully utilized and the listening experience is enriched by the sounds of rare animal species.
What does it sound like in an alder quarry – for example during the mating season of moor frogs?
A radio play guide was produced for the treetop trail of the Natural Heritage Centre of Rügen. Prince Malte zu Puttbus’ forest ranger – Constantin Hahnel – leads the visitor along the treetop trail and plays an amusing game of hide-and-seek with the forest fairy who lives there. In a playful way, the app user learns about forest evolution, white-tailed eagle populations or the military past of today’s natural heritage site.
Architektur der App
The GUIDING GROUP has performed the following services:
• Text research and script writing for 54 different Waypoints
• Radio play for children and adults
• Audio accompanying the exhibition
• Translation of the texts into English
• Creation of a video about succession and open land
• Recording, editing, mixing and production of the audio
• GPS audio contributions
Client: DBU – German Federal Environmental Foundation
Project period: December 2013 – December 2014
DBU Cuxhavener Küstenheiden
The Cuxhavener Küstenheiden is the largest unbroken heathland area on the continental part of the German North Sea coast.
Walk through the natural landscapes of the National Nature Heritage – Together with the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt we have developed an entertaining and informative audio tour.
Experience the multitude of different biotopes, as a habitat for around 400 species of ferns and flowering plants, for insects such as 400 species of butterflies, for almost 100 species of ground beetles, 25 species of dragonflies and 160 species of wild bees and wasps.
A mosaic of extensive sandy and wet heaths, sparse grasslands, moorland, ponds and sparse pine forests stretches very close to the Wadden Sea National Park, explore it on your own path, with the audio guide on your ear.
References Outdoor Complete
Through the application of different genres of podcasts such as radio plays, short stories, interviews and sagas and fairy tales, the myth of nature is made experiencable and interesting facts are packed into stories. This can then be called up at many stations in nature at your request and according to your curiosity.